Tuesday, January 27, 2009

4 Reasons Bullys may not be for you

There is no question that a Pit Bull is a good-looking animal. But while they possess a certain noble look that many people find irresistible, their most distinguishing feature is in their personality.

Almost all Pit Bulls share similar traits. They all carry with them a legacy of physical as well as mental characteristics that were once essential for their ancestors’

Pit Bulls are exceptional dogs that need exceptional owners. Whether their traits are considered positive aspects of the dog’s personality or an obstacle to the owner in creating a lasting bond depends entirely on the

Below are four reasons why a Pit Bull may not be suitable to your needs in a pet dog.

1. Pit Bulls are a strong and very muscular dog. He is also very energetic. He will make a great pet if you want a dog that does not break easily.

You will also make a great match if you are the type of person who is always up for an adventure and would not mind a canine

However, if you are not the active type and would rather have your ten year old walk your dog by himself, or if you are always busy with work and have no time to take your dog out for a stroll, then a Pit Bull is not you.

2. Pit Bulls are a very intelligent and confident dog.

This works great if you know how to properly train your dog and you have figured out how to apply his wonderful play drive and sense of humor to guide his intellect.

But if you think that you can push your dog into obedience or if you expect him to hang onto everything you say, then the Pit Bull is not for you.

3. Pit Bulls are loyal and bond deeply with his family. This is great if you are also loyal to him, consider him as a permanent member of your family, and do not mind taking him along on family trips.

But if you consider having this breed as a temporary pet and then abandon him after a period of time or if you always leave your Pit Bull home alone, then having this breed will not work out

4. Pit Bulls are perceived as a tough “macho” dog. This is great if you live alone and want a dog that makes you feel safe and secure.

On the other hand, if you want a dog that is easily approachable and is welcomed by everyone, than this breed is not for you.

7 Warning signs of BAD BULLY BREEDERS!

7 Pit Bull Breeder Warning Signs To Watch Out For When Buying A Pit Bull.

OK, so you have decided to get a Pit Bull.

You like the way they look, the way they act, and how they carry themselves.

It is important for you to make sure that you are getting a purebred Pit Bull that looks like a Pit Bull and acts like a Pit Bull. You also want to make sure that the dog you choose will live a healthy life.

You have to be very cautious; there are lots of unsuitable Pit Bull breeders out there who care more about their profit than in proper breeding.

Since you have chosen a special breed that has the bad luck of having inappropriate breeders, you need to take your time to carefully pick the Pit Bull breeder that you deserve.

In order to find a good dog, you need to find a good Pit Bull breeder.

The hard part about finding a good Pit Bull is that almost everyone who ever let two dogs of the same breed mate considers himself or herself an expert Pit Bull breeder.

The disheartening reality is that the wrong people for the wrong reasons too often breed Pit Bulls.

Below are features that you should be aware of when choosing the right breeder.

Watch out for the following:

1. Breeders who treat their dogs with cruelty, disrespect, and apparent dislike.

2. Breeders who think Pit Bulls should be aggressive and raise them as a fighting dog rather than a good companion dog.

3. Breeders who are geared up and ready to send their puppies off to new buyers rather than before the puppies turn eight weeks old.

4. Breeders who sell cheap puppies. It takes a lot of funds and other resources in order to raise healthy puppies. Cheap puppies are usually cheap because the breeder did not take the necessary steps to breed and raise a healthy litter.

Pet Health Insurance For Cats & Dogs

You should expect to pay an average of $300 to $400 for a registered pet. For a show quality puppy, $400 to $600 is considered reasonable. Male and female should cost the same.

5. Breeders who have no photos, videotapes, or pedigree of both parents and of other relatives. An honest breeder should know about the family background of their breed.

6. Breeders who are unfamiliar with the common health problems and concerns associated with the breed.

For example, the best breeders will have their dog’s hips evaluated and screened for hip displasia.

7. Breeders who tell you that Pit Bulls are perfect for everyone. Pit Bulls are special dogs and need special owners.

10 tips for Bully Owners

1. Exercise your dog everyday. Pit Bulls are high energy dogs that need some way of burning off that pent up energy. Even a short 10-15 minute walk or game of fetch in the backyard will help burn off energy that can lead to behavior problems.

2. Never leave pit bulls alone with other dogs (or any animal). Even if you're dog gets along great 99.9% of the time with other animals the Pit Bull is known for animal aggression and it is possible something will happen. A good piece of advice I received a long time ago was, Never trust your Pit Bull not to fight.

3. Always have your dog on a leash in public. Most if not all towns, cities and states have leash laws. Obey these laws. This will help people see your dog in a positive light and keep accidents like getting hit by passing cars from occurring.

4. Always supervise your dogs and never allow them to roam free. Loose dogs are often hurt by cruel people and accidents can happen as well. Always know where your dog is.

5. Supervise your dog with small children. This is a must. Small children are often hurt by dogs not out of angry, but because dogs can scratch them, step on them, and otherwise injure them.

6. Spay or Neuter your dog. Unless you plan on doing something where the dog can not be spayed or neutered get it done. This will reduce accidental breeding's and stop roaming males from getting loose.

7. Train your dog. Take your dog to obedience classes or hire a private trainer to help you train your dog. This is very important for Pit Bull owners. If you can not control your dog bad things will eventually happen. Get your dog into training as soon as possible.

8. Avoid dog parks. Dog parks are a breeding ground for disaster. Young dogs have been killed in dog parks by bigger dogs and taking your dog to a dog park is simply not a good idea at all. A better choice is to enroll your puppy into puppy socialization classes. If you have a rescue dog I would also recommend these types of classes as well. Some trainers do have them for older dogs. Your dog will have a far better chance at proper socialization in one of these classes than at a dog park.

9. Socialize your dog. Take your dog to as many places as you can, meet new people and while they are young meet as many other dogs as possible. Socializing your Pit Bull will help curb any future problems that might occur.

10. Keep your dog properly confined. Pit Bulls are known to be great escape artist. Make sure you have the means to keep them in your yard and properly confined. Installing a six foot privacy fence is not a bad idea either.

Responsible ownership starts from the time your Pit Bull comes to live with you. Irresponsible owner's are one of the major causes for all the problems the breed faces today. It's our hope here at Panhandle Bullies we can spread the word and educate more owners to take responsibility for their dogs actions.

In order for things to change, we must change the way we look at our own actions and how they effect the world around us. Until we do that, things will simply stay the way they are right now.

What to expect from your Bully

One of the most amazing things about this breed is their ability to adapt to almost any situation. They serve in a wide variety of professional fields as well as making outstanding companions.

Their attitude, courage, and never say die approach to life makes them exceptional dogs for such fields as search and rescue, therapy dogs, guide dogs, and police and military drug and bomb sniffers.

So what can you expect from an American Pit Bull Terrier? Let's take a look below.

Common Traits and things to expect from the breed are:

  • High levels of exercise EVERY DAY

  • A wonderful family dog

  • A very "people loving" dog

  • A dog that can be destructive to furniture or other objects if left alone

  • An easy to train dog that can make a wonderful partner in agility, jogging, or other activities

  • May not get along with other dogs, especially of the same sex

  • A dog that you cannot leave unattended with other dogs, no matter how well they get along

  • A pet that you may be unable to take to off-leash dog parks

  • A poor guard dog; it is not a breed trait to be defensive of car, home, etc.

  • A social dog; most pit bulls greet strangers like long lost friends

  • A healthy dog that is not especially prone to many genetic diseases

  • A 12 + year commitment

  • A dog that you may be unable to travel with due to breed specific restrictions

  • Criticism from friends/family members that are misinformed about the breed

  • A dog that requires high quality food to maintain health

  • Vet bills for regular check ups, spay/neuter, vaccinations, and flea and other parasite treatments

  • A dog that is safe with people. Human aggression, severe shyness, and instability are not traits typically found in Pit bulls.

As a whole the breed is one of the most stable and safe dogs around today. Far to many news stories are blown out of proportion (go figure huh?) to sell newspapers and get people to tune into the 6 o'clock news.

While we do understand that yes, some of these dogs do indeed bite and attack people. They are not representatives of an entire breed of canine. In other words, while 20 dogs out of 5,000 will bite, that doesn't mean the other 4,980 will.